Presentazione della Scuola della Fondazione Belladonna Onlus

Monday, 14 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

La scuola della Fondazione Belladonna Onlus!

Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

Seminario Omeopatia e Neurologia – Dr. Ajit Kulkarni

Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

Homeopathy: patologie degenerative del sistema nervoso centrale e dell’apparato neuromuscolare

Una pillola non c’è

Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

Il video riporta le parole della canzone per l’omeopatia, regalata alla Fondazione Belladonna Onlus, per la festa mondiale dell’omeopatia del 10 aprile, scritta da Paolo Tonini, musicata da Donato Turitto e cantata da Chiara Claudi.

INDIA VIDEO 2015 02 02

Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

INDIA: Continua la visita nel villaggio tribale

Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

Continua la visita della dottoressa Raffaella Pomposelli in un villaggio tribale, accompagnata da Lucilla Monti dell’Associazione Insieme di Samparc e altre volontarie italiane

Visita di un villaggio tribale 1

Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

La visita della dottoressa Raffaella Pomposelli in un villaggio tribale, accompagnata da Lucilla Monti dell’Associazione Insieme di Samparc e altre volontarie italiane.


Tuesday, 01 December,en,as examples and alternative to their destiny marked and approach this small school which has become a point of reference,it,which welcomes all the children of the villages also surrounding who receive accompaniment in education and a healthy guaranteed fruit snack,it 2015 by

INDIA martedì 27 gennaio: in compagnia dei bambini dell’orfanotrofio di Panjed.