Intervista al Dott. Ajit Kulkarni

Intervista al Dott. Ajit Kulkarni (Traduzione di Isa di Domizio)

by / Monday, 15 August 2016 / Published in Archive

Intervista al Dott. Ajit Kulkarni

  1. Quando e come è venuto a conoscenza dell’ omeopatia?
Ajit: Il mio ingresso nell’ omeopatia è interessante e un pochino differente. Lei può non credere (e ciò non cambia la realtà). Il mio primo contatto con l’ omeopatia avvenne quando avevo 14 anni. Il mio Guru spirituale disse a mio padre “Ajit diventerà un medico omeopata e vedo che in futuro si metterà al servizio dell’omeopatia.” Le parole del Guru non impressionarono mio padre in quella occasione, poiché all’epoca eravamo totalmente inconsapevoli della omeopatia. Quando superai il 12° esame, mio padre tornò a vedere il Guru per consigliarsi sulla mia carriera. Il mio Guru rammentò a mio padre la visione che aveva avuto in precedenza.
    Quindi fui introdotto alla omeopatia a divenni uno studente. Lentamente, la mia conoscenza di questa meravigliosa scienza della guarigione aumentò con l’andare degli anni ed ora mi sento come un pesciolino nell’oceano dell’omeopatia.
  2. Vi sono diverse nuove metodologie nella pratica omeopatica create dopo Hahnemann. Qualunque sia la metodologia seguita da un omeopata, l’accettazione di un caso rimane un aspetto importante.
    Qual è il suo consiglio per un novizio omeopata?
    Ajit: Si. lei ha ragione; un’attenta e accurata scelta è il fondamento di ogni pratica medica e ad essa non ci sono alternative.La formulazione di nuovi concetti è un processo in continuità e riflette la vivacità della scienza. La scienza umana dell’ omeopatia non fa eccezione. Non sono contrario ad alcun metodo in particolare, ma sono contrario ad una applicazione rigida ed esclusiva dei suoi seguaci. L’omeopatia è ad un tempo scienza e arte e richiede un atteggiamento flessibile nella sua applicazione, poiché la terapia si basa sull’individualizzazione e sul concetto di totalità. E’ come se lei seguisse la teoria in modo scientifico e razionale ma abbastanza artistico da consentire l’accesso alla pratica scientifica. Prendiamo la dottrina Jainista denominata “Anekantavad”. Si tratta della dottrina della “many-ness” della verità secondo la quale non ci può mai essere un solo punto di vista. Non ci può essere “un” solo modo di raggiungere la verità ma vi sono “molti” modi. Possiamo applicare il concetto della Anekantavad a quello di totalità e percezione. Anekantavad è come studiare il centro di un cerchio da un qualsiasi punto del suo perimetro. Sono molti i percorsi per raggiungere il centro. Parimenti, sono molti gli approcci nell’affrontare una stessa cosa. La guarigione del paziente corrisponde al centro del cerchio. Noi possiamo raggiungere il centro (guarigione) in molti modi diversi, che con quel punto di vista sono corretti. Il problema si verifica quando non riusciamo a comprendere l’approccio di un altro per raggiungere il centro (guarigione). Restiamo inamovibili nel dimostrare che abbiamo ragione. La nostra visione limitata e il nostro intelletto malato ci sprofonda in uno stato di distacco dalla realtà nel quale crediamo che “noi abbiamo ragione e tutto il mondo ha torto”. Se nel supremo viaggio per raggiungere Dio – che ognuno intraprende, consente molti modi, come è possibile che per curare il paziente vi sia un solo modo?
Affinché lo studente potesse afferrare il concetto di totalità ho scritto un articolo “ANALISI OGGETTIVA DEL CASO. RICETTA IN 20 PUNTI; uno schema per l’utilizzo della filosofia Omeopatica e Organon nella pratica clinica.” Lo scopo è quello di non allontanarsi dalla totalità e di valutare i componenti dei dati per giungere ad un similimum. Si è flessibili e totali allo stesso tempo.
  3. Da quale libro è stato maggiormente influenzato e perché?
    Ajit: Dal libro di Fritjof Capra “Il Punto di Svolta”. Questo libro si incentra sul bisogno di un nuovo “paradigma”, una nuova visione della realtà, un cambiamento fondamentale del nostro modo di pensare, delle percezioni e dei valori. I valori dello “holism” che l’ omeopatia propone enfaticamente. Il libro tratta dei sistemi di interpretazione della vita in termini di mente, coscienza ed evoluzione; gli approcci olistici corrispondenti a salute e guarigione; l’integrazione degli approcci Occidentali ed Orientali alla psicologia ed alla psicoterapia; una nuova struttura concettuale pere l’economia e la tecnologia; e poi la prospettiva ecologica e femminista, spirituale nella sua essenza naturale, which will lead to major changes in our social and political structures.
    I will quote here a phrase from my favorite chapter 'The Biomedical Model', “Focusing on smaller and smaller fragments of the human body, modern medicine often loses sight of the patient as a human being, and reducing the mechanical functioning health, It is no longer able to handle the phenomenon of healing”. Celebrities, It seems to have heard of a homeopath!
  4. Tell us about your clinical practice. What are the areas and the limits of homeopathy in the treatment of diseases of the modern world?
    Ajit: My job is that of a classical homeopath, although the classical term is relative. Generally use only a remedy but does not apply a therapy based on a single dose with all patients. I am convinced that “when an individual requires a repetition, It is restarted, when it is not necessary, not repeated”. This is the golden rule and I think that corresponds to a scientific attitude. Science defines when the dose is necessary and when it is not. A repetition is not required can lead to a worsening and failure. At the same time, Also a lack of repetition can be a cause of failure and we can consider this an authoritative statement. Mainly I apply a constitutional approach, but I do not hesitate to use tinctures, nosodi, sarcodes, intercurrent remedies and organ remedies, where necessary. Law enforcement claims that homeopathy can cure the curable cases and acts as a palliative in incurable cases. Each therapy has its scopes and limitations, and homeopathy can not be an exception. The modern world is too imposing and at one pole allows you to embrace the wide range of items that are produced and disseminated, and other de-humanizes pole so devious and manipulative.
    Modern man is forced suffer the impact and consequently stress and diseases linked to lifestyle. Homeopathy has the advantage of an all-encompassing vision and try to solve the problem rather than a piecemeal but in summary.
  5. “He believes that homeopathy is only suitable for chronic illnesses or for acute diseases?”
    Ajit: It is said that the interviewee should ask yourself this question because of the current situation. In my experience (as well as in that of thousands of homeopaths in every part of the world) It is that homeopathy is effective both in acute cases and in chronic ones. To treat acute cases we need to know how to build the totality of acute, what are the fundamentals and what 'is the philosophy of acute cases. One of the reasons of failure in acute cases is that we follow the symptoms and we lose sight of the totality. sees, our predecessors took care of many severe acute cases when there were no antibiotics and steroids; our publications abound in these cases. Each hospital must have a homeopathic department and each patient must also receive homeopathic treatment. This will open many perspectives in understanding the potential of homeopathic remedies.
  6. “What should be the role of’ Homeopathy in cases of Emergency and Surgery?”
    Ajit: We should first know what type of emergency it is, where / the organ / s are interested, which they are suffering from the disease and what 'is the step of developing the disease. Our experience in acute stroke cases both cardio-cerebro vascular that- Vascular is very satisfying that we strongly recommend a cure homeopathic early in all cases of stroke. Great misunderstanding and confusion prevail about their respective roles, as well as patterns of relationship between homeopathy and surgery. Homeopathy has never opposed a honest surgery. But we need to define the term in the details “honest”. The homeopathic literature amply demonstrates the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in a variety of surgical conditions. As written by Dr.. Pulford, the well-known homeopath, “any surgeon must have among his acquaintances a homeopath”. This has the effect of avoiding unnecessary many surgical operations. Cases of abscesses, adenoidi, calculations, carbuncles, croniche plague, cyst, swollen tonsils, swollen prostates, hemorrhoids, fissure, fistulas, cancrene, papilloma, sinusiti, peptic ulcer, polyps, tumors (including malignant ones), stenosis, varicose veins, etc. respond favorably to homeopathic remedies.
    Even in these cases, homeopathy claims that surgery is required only when medical therapy does not work and generally the need for surgery testifies to the failure of medicine. The disease develops from an internal disorder of the economy and should therefore be treated internally. Furthermore, surgery deals with the results of the disease and not the cause. The causes and in the constitution in all its forms, functions,and structure and it requires a therapeutic cure Constitutional.
  7. “To what extent the result of homeopathic medicines can be affected by odors, substances, etc.?” Ajit: If the homeopathic remedy chosen is right, it works. The most similar remedy or simillimum has within it the potential to act despite obstacles. however, I advise my patients to keep any strong-smelling substance far from homeopathic remedies and put at least half an hour (before and after) taking a homeopathic remedy and a strong-smelling substance.
  8. “What is crucial for homeopaths attend the trial of the remedy?”
    Ajit: This is a really crucial role. Each of homeopathy student or each homeopath must experience at least five remedies, say a remedy year. When a student experiences the potential action of a homeopathic remedy and report this experience in terms of symptoms, sensations, sentiments, dreams, disappointments, behavioral responses and signals in terms of body language, He begins to believe in homeopathy, which is not only placebo, that as a human being is able to experience the dynamic action of medicine and express it in realistic terms. Furthermore, the "trial of the remedy" plays a decisive role in the formation of a homeopath. His introspective and interactive lectures and discussions of cases available in the form of books are indeed a source of inspiration and learning for a serious homeopath. A practical knowledge of this type is essential for the application of the theoretical concepts in the practical application of the homeopathic philosophy.
  9. “What’ is your opinion about sharing his experiences with students?”
    Ajit: No work of any kind can replace what the homeopath may give the student devoted to homeopathy. The Homeopath provides us with the philosophy of life and makes us aware of our human characters. I always say that they are the product of two giants of homeopathy – one as a lion Dr.. M.L. Dhawale and the other as a cow Dr.. P.I. check. They both had an important place in my career. I started working as an international teacher year 2004 and this experience helped me to go beyond the knowledge of the size gained hitherto in human beings and of homeopathy. more than kept 50 seminars abroad, I gave lectures on over 100 topics and wrote more than 100 publications. The literature produced as part of these seminars is enormous and will certainly help to homeopaths. My literary work has been translated into many languages ​​and 20 of my books in Russian are witnesses, in addition to my books in English published by the publisher from B. Jain publishers di New Delhi. I feel compelled to mention my organizers from different countries, such as Bulgaria, Russia and Israel that motivated me to explore homeopathy.
    Much work remains to be done. The homeopathic literature ranges from dubious to authentic, while we need a systemic and creative work that is useful to students in respect of doctors. My experience with students both in India and abroad is very pleasant. Students need an approach and a scientific explanation for each share, which implies a great effort from the teacher. I must say here that my students and patients mei are my best teachers.
    I see a bright future for homeopathy because homeopathy, to causes of its intrinsic merit, It is spreading to every corner of the world. The new generations take seriously homeopathy and homeopathic love the system because it is rational, because it challenges the intellect. I must also mention another aspect. The tendency of the group has increased among students and the rift in the medical profession is spreading.
    I must say to homeopaths newbies that all concepts, ideas, the methods have their place, but they should pass the same law of similars on which is based the healthy homeopathy science. There are three enemies of homeopathy – an intellect below average, a pseudo intellect, and a super intellect. E’ enough to be logical and rational and believe strongly in the law of similars, and I am sure this will do good to all.
  10. “What do you think is more rewarding as a professional – medical practice, teaching, write or research? Or what it was / or will be its implementation rewarding as homeopath?”
    Ajit: every aspect, is this teaching, writing or practice is rewarding for me. Since no activity is isolated: It is increasingly interconnected and interdependent. My writing is what I face as a clinical; I try to find solutions to my inquiries. I carry out my professional practice trying to be a good healer and my teaching has the sense of love for the change of thought, feeling and action! The most rewarding thing is the journey itself! I'm glad I find your way instead of groping in the dark. Homeopathy enlightens me, It gives me light and delight. The Almighty has entrusted me with the stupendous work of materia medica, the repertoire of body language. There are many other projects and their implementation will be possible if the medical profession will do the necessary motivation and support.